Rabu, 10 Desember 2014

Hello , good evening all bloogers all. this time I'm not post any article. I just wanted update my latest work.. hopefully WPAP could be a reference / increase the interest of the reader all the original PopArt Indonesia. So, check this out...



We provide design services WPAP someone's face...
WPAP is original Pop arts from Indonesia. WPAP can be made and in print for the purpose of gifts, ornaments, or decorate the interior of your home / office. it could be someone inspiring in your life.
The workmanship of 1-2 days (depending on the queue).
And how to order WPAP?? it's easy, just sms / bbm to +628970878169 / PIN BBM 5255F183 to order.
If it is order by sms / bbm, transfer the charge service to the my account number that I send for you by sms text / bbm and send pictures of faces to be made into WPAP to my email ad3322sp@yahoo.co.id / fajaradhiessunarno@gmail.com. Give me time 1-2 days for processing and later his results I send back to your email address. You will receive is WPAP in the form of file (not Printed)

Cost / services cost only Rp 55,000,- or USD 5,-

thanks for your attention and have a nice day guys... see yaa...

Senin, 08 Desember 2014

Rhivo & Khoyik

berdua, bertemu, dan berharap akan berjodoh kelak...
kami ikut mendoalan kalian

Rabu, 03 Desember 2014

Jasa desain WPAP untuk kado/suvenir

kami menyediakan jasa desain WPAP wajah seseorang...
wpap adalah seni popart original dari Indonesia.
wpap bisa di buat dan di cetak untuk keperluan kado, pajangan, atau penghias interior rumah/kantor, bisa juga untuk kenang2an kepada seseorang.
proses pengerjaan dari 1-2hari (tergantung antrian)
cara ordernya mudah, cukup sms/bbm ke 08970878169 / PIN 5255F183 untuk order,
jika sudah order by sms/bbm, transfer biaya jasanya ke no.rek yg sudah saya kasih waktu bbm/smsan,
lalu kirim foto ke email saya di fajaradhiessunarno@gmail.com / ad3322sp@yahoo.co.id
berikan kami waktu 1-2hari untuk pengerjaan dan nanti hasil jadi nya kami kirim ke email agan/sista.
yg agan/sista terima adalah wpap dalam bentuk file (bukan cetak)

biaya/ongkos jasanya cuma 55ribu saja
maaf, jangan ditawar lagi karena itu sudah harga fix dan sudah sangat murah daripada yang lain.

terimakasih :)

contoh2 karya saya

Sabtu, 29 November 2014

Senin, 24 November 2014

Ery and Erga,

Ery and Erga,
"With love and with time we will go through our life together"

Minggu, 16 November 2014

Bayu and Risma

thanks for the trust you both to us. Happy to help realize your dreams

Sabtu, 15 November 2014

Rony & Hevy

Rony & Hevy
Longlast for you two

my Profile blog